Minnigulova, A., Karpychev, V., Davydova, E., Pereverzeva, D., Sorokin, A., Tyus­hkevich, S., Mamokhina, U., Danilina, K., Dragoy, O., & Arutiunian, V. (2025). Altered thalamotemporal structural connectivity is associated with autistic traits in children with ASD. Behavioural Brain Research, 481, 115414. PDF


Arutiunian, V., Santhosh, M., Neuhaus, E., Sullivan, C.A.W., Bernier, R.A., Bookheimer, S.Y., Dapretto, M., Geschwind, D.H., Jack, A., McPartland, J.C., van Horn, J.D., Pelphrey, K.A., Gupta, A.R., Webb, S.J., & the ACE GENDAAR Network (2024). A common genetic variant in the Neurexin family member CNTNAP2 is related to language but not communication skills in youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research, 1–11. PDF

Arutiunian, V., Arcara, G., Buyanova, I., Fedorov, M., Davydova, E., Pereverzeva, D., Sorokin, A., Tyushkevich, S., Mamokhina, U., Danilina, K., & Dragoy, O. (2024). Abnormalities in both stimulus-induced and baseline MEG alpha oscillations in the auditory cortex of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Brain Structure and Function, 229, 1225–1242. PDF

Arutiunian, V., Santhosh, M., Neuhaus, E., Borland, H., Tompkins, C., Bernier, R.A., Bookheimer, S.Y., Dapretto, M., Gupta, A.R., Jack, A., Jeste, S., McPartland, J.C., Naples, A., van Horn, J.D., Pelphrey, K.A., & Webb, S.J. (2024). The relationship between gamma-band neural oscillations and language skills in youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their first-degree relatives. Molecular Autism, 15, 19. PDF

Samoylov, I., Arcara, G., Buyanova, I., Davydova, E., Pereverzeva, D., Sorokin, A., Tyushkevich, S., Mamokhina, U., Danilina, K., Dragoy, O., & Arutiunian, V. (2024). Altered neural synchronization in response to 2 Hz amplitude-modulated tones in the auditory cortex of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An MEG study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 203, 112405. PDF



Arutiunian, V., Arcara, G., Buyanova, I., Buivolova, O., Davydova, E., Pereverzeva, D., Sorokin, A., Tyus­hkevich, S., Mamokhina, U., Danilina, K., & Dragoy, O. (2023). Event-Related Desynchronization of MEG Alpha-Band Oscillations during Simultaneous Presentation of Audio and Visual Stimuli in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Brain Sciences, 13, 1313. PDF

Arutiunian, V., Davydova, E., Pereverzeva, D., Sorokin, A., Tyus­hkevich, S., Mamokhina, U., Danilina, K., & Dragoy, O. (2023). Reduced grey matter volume of amygdala and hippocampus is associated with the severity of autistic symptoms and language abilities in school-aged children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: an exploratory study. Brain Structure and Function, 228, 1573–1579. PDF 

Arutiunian, V., Arcara, G., Buyanova, I., Davydova, E., Pereverzeva, D., Sorokin, A., Tyush­kevich, S., Ma­mokhina, U., Danilina, K., & Dragoy, O. (2023). Neuromagnetic 40 Hz Auditory Steady-Sta­te Res­ponse in the left audi­tory cortex is related to language comprehension in child­ren with Au­tism Spectrum Disorder. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 122, 110690. PDF 

Minnigulova, A., Davydova, E., Pereverzeva, D., Sorokin, A., Tyus­hkevich, S., Mamokhina, U., Danilina, K., Dragoy, O., & Arutiunian, V. (2023). Corpus callosum organization and its implication to core and co-occurring symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Brain Structure and Function, 228, 775–785. PDF 

Arutiunian, V., Gomozova, M., Minnigulova, A., Davydova, E., Pereverzeva, D., Sorokin, A., Tyus­hkevich, S., Mamokhina, U., Danilina, K., & Dragoy, O. (2023). Structural brain ab­normalities and their as­sociation with language impairment in school-aged chi­ldren with Autism Spectrum Di­sorder. Scientific Reports, 13, 1172. PDF 

Yurchenko, A., Arutiunian, V., Shitova, N.M., Bergelson, M., & Dragoy, O. (2023). Registered switching involving lexical-semantic processing in Russian: An ERP study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 65, 101111. PDF



Arutiunian, V., Arcara, G., Buyanova, I., Gomozova, M., & Dragoy, O. (2022). The age-re­lated changes in 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response and sustained Event-Related Fields to the same amplitu­de-modulated tones in typically developing children: A magnetoencephalography study. Human Brain Map­ping, 43, 5370–5383. PDF

Arutiunian, V., Lopukhina, A., Minnigulova, A., Shlyakhova, A., Davydova, E., Pereverzeva, D., Sorokin, A., Tyushkevich, S., Mamokhina, U., Danilina, K., & Dragoy, O. (2022). Language Abilities of Russian Primary-School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence from Comprehensive Assessment. Journal of Autism and Develop­mental Disorders, 52, 584–599. PDF



Arutiunian, V., Lopukhina, A., Minnigulova, A., Shlyakhova, A., Davydova, E., Pereverzeva, D., Sorokin, A., Tyushkevich, S., Mamokhina, U., Danilina, K., & Dragoy, O. (2021). Expressi­ve and Receptive Lang­uage in Russian Primary-School-Aged Children with Au­tism Spect­rum Disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 117, 104042. PDF 



Arutiunian, V., & Lopukhina, A. (2020). The effects of phonological neighborhood densi­ty in childhood word production and recognition in Russian are opposite to English. Journal of Child Language, 47(6), 1244–1262. PDF